
Archived Projects

Web App - Old Gatsby Portfolio

My portfolio has gone through a series of changes and reflects what I've learned over the years.

  • 2018 - built with HTML, CSS, and PHP. On top of the domain name, I had to pay for a hosting service.
  • 2020 - discovered GitHub Pages where I could host my static site for free. Got rid of the PHP part. Site is just plain HTML, CSS, and JS. Source code: qphandev.github.io
  • 2022 - converted site to utilize a Static Site Generator (GatsbyJS). Loving that I was able to just write markdown files without having to copy and paste HTML for project items. Learned about how important handling images on the web. Hosted free on Netlify. Source code: quynhphandev-gatsby-ts
  • 2024 - current portfolio uses NextJS and TypeScript React. Not my first time using a Static Site Generator so I was able to follow along the documenation (which is also great for first-timers). Learned to utilize other tools such as ReactMarkdown and Remark Plugins to customize how my markdowns render, and ReGex for file/directory path manipulation. Deployed with Vercel.

Old portfolio website 2022 Gatsby Portfolio with frivolous Konami code feature and shameless plug of my dog.

Web App - Yahtzee with React

A job interview and learning project for React.

My first React project. Worked with class based React (never again). It drove me kind of nuts when components didn't render after their props were updated along with all sorts of bugs in my code. My main struggle was merging my logic with React syntax and behavior that I knew little about. Don't worry, now I am a React pro! know better.


Dices on the screen Roll and lock features.

Web App - Small Angular Projects

Small projects from a tutorial.

Pagination transitioning Pagination made with Bootstrap UI framework and Angular.

Typing into an input field Typing game with randomly generated dumb phrases.

Web App - Robot Creation

A silly little project using Materialize, AJAX, PHP, and CSS Canvas. User can "make" their own robots appearance by filling in the fields.

Different shapes making a robot image Experimental AJAX and CSS Canvas create a robot project.

Graphics - Gamers Inc 2016 Black Friday Flyer

Done in GIMP. My first graphic design project for a local game store.

Gamers Inc 2016 Black Friday Flyer Flyer with some game characters.

Graphics - Inkscape Isometrics

Isometrics objects made in Inkscape.

SVG imags of laptop, iPad, and iPhone Final product.

SVG imags of laptop, iPad, and iPhone during work in progress The work table. There was a lot of flipping, turning, scaling, aligning, and shaping involved.

Graphics - Rendered 3D Models

Objects made in Maya and rendered with Mental Ray. Textured with Substance Painter.

3D rendered blue pencil Blue pencil rendered with Substance Painter.

Various of 3D objects displayed on a desk next to a window in a 3D scene Post-apocalyptic themed rendered with Mental Ray.

Web App - KnightGame

GiantBomb API, PHP, JS.

School group project. Platform that allows user registration and login to add games that they have played, are playing, and want to play to their profile.

Made with Materialize UI framework, GiantBomb API, PHP, AJAX, Javascript, HTML, CSS. I was in charge of coding the front and backend.

Website to search for games KnightGames landing page.

Website to search for games Search function, item results links to GiantBomb's website.

Web App - GetFit

Designed and coded website, collapse/expand JS script

An educational platform for health and fitness. A group project. I was in charge of coding the website to incorporate everyone's ideas and content.

I wrote my first frontend script from scratch in JavaScript. It was a simple expand/collapse script that helped me learn how to manipulate the DOM with JS.

Fitness website GetFit landing page.

Fitness website collapse/expand of recipe details Collapse/expand script to hide and show the recipe details.

Web App - Mock GamersInc Website Redesign

Class project. Designed and built in 4 hours.

This was a challenge in time. I wanted to design and code a basic business website as fast as possible. Done using Materialize framework in 4 hours.

GamersInc mock redesign of landing page Gamers Inc mock redesigned landing page.

Web App - Vector Experimental Website

Class project website. Cafe-themed website made with HTML, CSS, and PHP. Logo designed and created in Inkscape.

Website with cafe theme Vector cafe landing page.

Website with cafe theme Menu page.

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